SAD UPDATE: It’s OVER for Zach and Tori Roloff! LPBW Alums Face NEW STRUGGLES

Little People Big World former cast members Zach Roloff and Tori Roloff made a big deal of quitting the show. With everything else currently going on, some viewers think it may be over in a whole new aspect for them since walking away from the family show.
Little People Big World: Zach Roloff And Tori Roloff Walked Away From Family Show
Little People Big World featured Zach Roloff as a cast member since the beginning of the show. He was the only one left of Matt Roloff and Amy Roloff’s children still filming. That was at least until Zach and Tori announced that they would be officially out after Season 25.
Many Little People Big World fans agree that Zach Roloff and Tori Roloff quitting the TLC show is the nail in the coffin for the long-running program. It’s one of the longest-running shows, with the first season coming out all the way back in 2006.

LPBW: Zach Roloff And Tori Roloff Promoted Podcast As New Venture
Many Little People Big World fans wondered what Zach Roloff and Tori Roloff would do now that they officially quit TLC for good. As viewers have seen, it has been all about recording and sharing episodes of their new podcast, Raising Heights.
So far, getting into the realm of podcasts has been good for Zach Roloff and Tori Roloff. As of this writing, they have garnered hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube alone. Along with that, they’ve also gotten a lot of views from different platforms as well.
Now, it seems that Tori and Zach have failed to grab viewers’ attention. They garnered a lot of views in their early episodes. Moreover, the TLC couple surpassed Audrey and Jeremy’s podcast after just one episode.
Tori and Zach initially got views between 100k-1M on their podcast videos. Shockingly, the couple started facing a major change in the popularity of their new business. Despite all the hard work, they have only been getting 30-40k views lately. Fans have been concerned about how the pair will survive if their podcast business won’t work. Further, the TLC stars have no other medium to get a stable income apart from Tori’s influencer career.
Little People Big World: Is It Already Over For Zach And Tori?
As much as viewers have tuned in to Zach Roloff and Tori Roloff’s new podcast, many fans are starting to think that the well may have already run dry as far as this new venture is concerned.
The way that Little People Big World fans see it, Tori Roloff and Zach Roloff are already running out of topics to talk about. They haven’t been at it very long, and already, many viewers feel like they have exhausted most of their subjects.
Other Little People Big World fans say how things are boring, including the advertising. So, it’ll be interesting to see how far they choose to take this new venture, especially with many fans already over it.

- One Little People Big World fan said in response to their most recent video: “Running out of things to talk about I guess.”
- Another TLC commenter said: “Someone needs to be cruel to be kind and tell them they had more than their 15 mins.”
- A third person added: “Even the advertising is boring.”
LPBW: Tori & Zach Upset Fans With Controversial Views!
LPBW stars Tori and Zach don’t hesitate to share their views on different topics on their podcast. The couple receives love from the audience for their positive thoughts. However, the TLC stars have done the exact opposite this time. Recently, Tori shared her experience with abortion when she had a miscarriage in 2021. The TLC star admitted that she was terrified to be in a room full of other women who were there for abortion.
Zach understood and expressed sympathy for r*pe victims. He felt people should not opt for something like that in other cases. Fans were upset with Zach’s claims and felt that a privileged person like him shouldn’t say things like this. Further, they felt that he wasn’t aware of other people’s needs to get an abortion.